Sunday, August 8, 2010

She Sells Sea Shells by the Sea Shore

Seasie Sanitarium, Waterford CTOpened in the early 1930s, as a hospital for children with Tuberculosis. In 1958 Seaside became a treatment facility for the elderly. After three years the building again changed its purposes and became a home for the insane.

In the early 1970's people became aware that patients were being violently abused. It has also been noted that in the 1990's patients at Seaside began turning up dead at a rate that was higher than normal.
Most notable has been the death of respite patient Lisa Barry, who is said to have died in the nearby woods. Born with an umbilical cord around her neck Lisa was epileptic, during one of her stays at Seaside it has been rumored that the staff did not give her the required medication. It was during this stay at age 21 Lisa died, her parents have been fighting legal battles with authorities since in order to get answers as to why their daughter did in fact die.

With many unanswered allegations and after decades of service, Seaside Sanatorium was closed in 1996.

Entering and exiting: We went in through the second story (there was a staircase, we didnt climb) Our entrance was in plain view of those sunning themselves at the beach, but none of them seemed to care. While in the building we spotted the private security guard drive around a few times, he did not seem to notice us at all. Exiting became a little more tricky as the guard was parked out from by our route. We waited for him to drive off, and two at a time we shimmied through the locked fence, down the stairs, and into public domain again. Perched far enough away he couldnt see our escape the guard watched up walk to the next building. However we did not go into the dormitories, as they were locked up too tight for us to sneak in unnoticed with the security near by.

(Link to my photos)
(Link to Andrews Photos)

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