Friday, May 21, 2010

blahbity blah blah blah

I havent updated this in a few days...sorry folks. I would give you some reason as to why that sounded really good but truth is I am just kinda lazy.
Whats new: I met Jared and Melissa, two more of Andrews friends. They are super sweet and live in a cottage-esq house in New Milford. Melissa is a crafter and had some cute projects on the go...if I can find a dollar store, I may pick up a few things and see what I can whip up.
The salad I am currently eating tastes like dirt and house cleaner....funny seeing as its organic. I would really just love a pizza and cinnamon buns.
Wednesday we were supposed to go to Brooklyn so as Andrew can get his chest piece finished, however the artist had to cancel so we ended up staying in town. Still had a nice night, I made shepards pie (no where near as yummy as Lindsey does it) and just hung out.

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