Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sorry for being MIA as of recently. After the wedding insanity dies down my mind has turned to the VISA insanity. I am all over the place trying to get everything together. Paperwork, clothes, hotels, food planning, and a bit of interview nervousness. I will probably not write much, but I will be throwing pictures up here as they come in.

I promise when the wedding images come through, I will throw some of them up here as well. Hopefully I will even get some time to talk a bit more about the day.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with all the paperwork and hoop jumping. I'm still waiting on my Residence Card and also not happy about the fact that if I don't have it before the FL trip they can't guarantee immigration will let me back in the UK. Apparently it doesnt matter that I'm married AND working in the UK.


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